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Hotline:  (+84) 028.3535.9575 - (+84) 0961.800.775

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Address: 25A Mai Thi Luu Street, Dakao Ward, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam 700000

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- These are the most commonly found species of Rodents in Vietnam ie. the House Mouse, the Roof Rat and the Sewer Rat. These Rodents are usually found around sewers, garbage, roof attic, false ceilings, storage areas and just about everywhere that has food, water and shelter.

- It is important to note that the habitat of each of the three rodents is different. The House Mouse lives closest to the human beings and is normally found in linen bags, laundry, wardrobes, etc. It is the smallest of the three and breeds profusely. The Roof Rat is slender and an excellent climber. Hence, they can be found in roof attics, ceilings, false ceilings, etc. The Sewer Rat is the biggest and as the name suggests, they come from the sewer, man-holes, drains, etc.

- Therefore, it is extremely important to identify the type of rat that has entered the premises. Once this is known, then the baits, traps, etc. can be placed at the correct locations in order to eliminate the pest. If you have a Roof Rat situation and the baits are placed on the ground close to the sewer, drains, etc. you will be wasting your time. Hence, it is advisable to call in the professionals like us to take care of the problem as we will know what we are doing. We are trained to identify the type of rodent by examining the droppings, the gnaw marks, the rubbing marks, the urine and burrows, etc. We will then take the necessary measures to eliminate the pest. Safety to Pets, Children and Adults is of prime importance. Buying “do it yourself kits” have limited success without the above mentioned knowledge. Hence, it is safer to call in VICI Pest Control Services.




- The cockroaches shown (the American and the Germania) are the ones that are normally found in Vietnam. They thrive in warm and humid areas where food which comprises of all organic materials and decaying matters is abundant. It is for these reasons that we normally find cockroaches in the kitchen, sewers, garbage dumps, cabinets, damp basement areas, service risers, cracks and crevices and similar places.

- These pests are a public health hazard and the vectors of various pathogenic and food poisoning bacteria and can cause allergic reactions among humans. The use of aerosol spray cans that you can get “off the shelf” from retail stores, has a limited function in that it will only kill the cockroaches that come in direct contact with the spray. This will not solve the problem of eliminating the cockroaches as you have not got to the root of the problem ie. the source of the breeding.

- This is where Vietnam Pest Control Services JSC comes in and eliminate the cockroaches at the source with the use of baits, residuals, gels, etc. We will also put in place proper house-keeping procedures and monitoring stations. Call us for professional help.



- With the constant fear of Dengue looming over us, each and everyone of us have a very important role to play to prevent the breeding of the dreaded Aedes Aegypti Mosquito. It must be remembered that all it takes is a water source no bigger than a 20 cent coin for breeding to occur. The unpredictable and constant rain makes it almost impossible to prevent water from collecting. It is also important to note that with all the fogging and mosquito control work being done at ground level; the mosquitoes have moved their habitat higher in order to survive. So, whilst breeding has been somewhat contained in the traditional locations, they now breed profusely on ledges on walls, brackets on down water pipes, the roof gutters, the air-con and the fittings and the numerous other locations on roof tops, etc.

- To get an idea on how bad the situation is, just imagine that you are a mosquito. Stand outside your property and take a good look at it. You will realize that there are hundreds of potential breeding places for mosquitoes. The laws today allow the authorities to impose fines even for “potential” breeding areas. Hence, you don’t have to be caught for breeding by NEA, to be fined. Dengue will kill and as these locations may not be easily accessible to the layman, you may need to call in the specialists like VICI Pest Control Services to keep the situation under control and hence safeguard the well-being of your loved ones. Better to be Safe than Sorry.




- The climatic conditions in Vietnam allow the breeding of numerous types of Ants. Some bite and do harm whilst some others are just a nuisance. Ants normally come into the house to forage for food droppings. They also come in through flower pots and other packages brought into the house. Hence, proper house-keeping is very important to ensure that all food droppings are thoroughly cleared away. We know that it is easier said than done especially with children and pets around. Branches of plants and trees should be kept away from the walls of the house as ants will use them as entry points into your home. Fruit trees in the garden will also add to the challenge as they naturally attract ants.

- Hence, if you are troubled by Ants, please do call for Vietnam Pest Control Services JSC to attend to it. Our Field Staff are trained to identify the different ants and are able to determine what treatment and control measures are necessary for each type of ants. A well planned programme has to be put in place and it must be noted that it cannot be resolved at one go. Off the counter aerosol cans may promise such miracles but what it does is that it “contact kills”. In other words, the ants that come in direct contact with the aerosol spray may die, but you have not tackled the source of the breeding and as such, the ants will continue to bother you after awhile. At Vietnam Pest Control Services JSC, we get to the root of the problem and totally eliminate the colony.



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 [email protected]

Hotline 24/7

 (+84) 028.3535.9575 - (+84) 0961.800.775


25A Mai Thi Luu Street, Dakao Ward, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam 700000

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